Frequently asked questions

How do I book a Trial Grind?

To book a Trial Grind you simply enter details in the required fields of our booking form. We will then process your request and contact you as soon as we have found a suitable tutor.

I have requested a Trial Grind, what happens next?

Once you have submitted our Trial Grind booking form, we will begin processing your request and search for a tutor that best suits your criteria. Once we have located a suitable tutor, we will then contact you to confirm Trial Grind date.

I have completed a Trial Grind and would now like to book a grind package with my tutor, what do I do?

We will contact you to collect feedback and ensure satisfaction, if you would then like to proceed with a grind package; you simply complete our Book Grind Package booking form

What is meant by recurring grind schedule?

A recurring grind schedule is a pre-set schedule as determined by the preferred day/ time selected when booking a Grind Package. This means that grinds will take place on the same day/ time at the requested frequency.

For example if you selected Tuesday at 8pm as your preferred day/ time with a weekly frequency, the recurring grind schedule will be every Tuesday at 8pm on a weekly basis. We will of course do our best to accommodate any unforeseen circumstances where this is not always possible, provided we have adequate advance notice as set out in our Terms and Conditions.

Do I book grinds with the Tutor or Alpha Grinds?

Alpha Grinds co-ordinate all activities between the student and tutor. This means we schedule all grinds. We also liaise with student and tutor as needed on an on-going basis.We request that students stick to their recurring grind schedule as this ensures commitment of both tutor and student to a defined schedule (provided both are satisfied with arrangement) and ensures consistency of learning.

What is the cancellation policy?

We try our best to be flexible around cancellations as we appreciate unforeseen circumstances can arise but please refer to our Terms and Conditions to understand our cancellation policy.

Am I notified ahead of grind(s)?

We strongly encourage a recurring grind schedule to avoid circumstances where grinds can be missed but both student and tutor will receive an email reminder ahead of scheduled grind taking place.

I did not receive a reminder about my scheduled grind, what should I do?

If you did not receive an email reminder about your scheduled grind you should contact Alpha Grinds immediately.

Who do I pay?

Alpha Grinds handles all payment.

When do I pay?

As per our terms and conditions, tuition must be paid for in full at least 24 hours before the scheduled date of tuition.

How do I pay?

Payment should be made by card via our secure payment facility when booking grind package.

I’m not satisfied with my tutor, what do I do?

If, in the unlikely event that your tutor is not meeting your expectations or you feel that (s)he is not the best fit for you, we will endeavor to find an alternative/ substitute tutor. If we cannot find a suitable tutor for any reason, we will offer a full refund (less grind(s) that have already taken place).

If I have a complaint about my tutor, what do I do?

We are here to ensure that you have the best possible experience with your tutor in order to achieve the optimum results. If you have any complaints or issues with your tutor such as punctuality, appearance, hygiene etc. please don’t hesitate to contact us and we will react accordingly. We will do our best to both resolve the situation and handle delicately/ with discretion if deemed appropriate.